Saturday, December 15, 2012

Shaking the Family Tree - for Money!

Most of us are not researching our family to prove that we are entitled to money - but that is the goal of some professional genealogists. In some estate cases, a decedant has no immediate family. Relationships are then researched to determine who is the closest living relative. A good example of this type of situation is described in this story.

I've successfully used the following resources to identify relatives:
New York State Comptroller

Each site was designed by private (and public) entities that wish to locate people who either owe money or are entitled to refunds.

I should mention that I've never attempted to get any money through this process. However, I suspect that caution should be taken while using these sites - if you contact the entity that is looking to give away money, you may find that you become the person who is asked to resolve someone else's money issue!

Who knows? Maybe YOU are connected to long-lost money... Happy hunting!

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