Saturday, August 20, 2011


The purpose of this blog is to help people who are seeking their family history on the internet. As someone with nearly 20 years of experience with using the web to track down genealogy information, I wanted to share the lessons I've learned. One of the most important is this: using the internet to locate family roots will never be as effective as interviewing relatives, visiting the Special Collections Room at a local library or wading through the tall grass of an old farm cemetery. I've done these things, too - and they have made the "hobby" (or, as I've seen it, "life-long passion") truly meaningful. Don't get me wrong - there are a lot of good things about using the internet. For one thing, you don't need to have the money to travel to far-away family locations. You can also browse the web at 3:00 AM... I've often seen the internet "jump-start" a stalled quest for information. Sometimes, it provides a small piece of the puzzle - just when things seemed hopeless. So, I'll dedicate this project to making it easier for you to find online genealogy resources. Very soon, I'll start up a companion site with a collection of useful links to online genealogy research. If something on our site is useful to you during your family history search, please let us know (you can like us or join our group on Facebook!). Happy hunting!

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